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Showing posts from December, 2011


It's the end of the year again, those of us who have conscience would sit down and measure ourselves. Did I keep to my new Years Resolution? I am better or worse for it? this year was it productive or useless? Did I grow fat or thin? Did I multiply or Reduce? Am I closer to God or loving the underworld? Is there any personal improvement in my life? Did I think of my neighbour in all my attitude? Was I a good child to my parents? Was I a Good brother or sister to my siblings? At work was I productive? the questions just keep coming, some with answers while the others well you carry over to the next year........... my prayer is that may the coming year come with all the good prayers and wishes of our hearts.....emm emphasis on the good part!!! lol HAPPY NEW YEAR...... 2012


a cry for help a cry for a voice a cry to be heard a cry for the child a cry for the bloodshed a cry for the nation a cry for Nigeria a cry for the people Nigeria my Home Nigeria I cry for you!!!