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Showing posts from June, 2010

things that suck!

Right now I find all those universities owned by churches really annoying. from their very unbelievable rules, to their unrealistic policies and worse of all their FEES............yuck! please I believe that religion, politics and business don't mix because many exploit the people who bring children to these schools. A university is supposed to be a place for the individual to find themselves both academically,spiritually and socially especially interactions with the opposite sex.......yeah i said it... but these schools are seriously lacking, can you imagine that if you talk to a guy or even hug him you will be sanctioned?!! movement is seriously monitored!!!!! hello back to secondary school boarding house again!!!!!!!@/?#&%$ that's what i think about them.........theyyyyy suck!!!....(to be contd)


many times we just want to disappear when our parents start to tell us those boring old stories and we are just to polite to walk away. but they are still our parents and we love them. Has your parent done anything that you know is very wrong but you dare not say anything or else you will get an