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Showing posts from August, 2010

Frustration of the working class...JETBLUE example

earlier this week a flight attendant let out his frustration at an obnoxious passenger who was rude to him and he fled the plane,but was later arrested but granted bail. while airline pays the passengers on that flight "compensation" for their troubles saying it's their policy. now the is agog with various sites praising him, immortalizing,dramatization of the whole incidence. this situation has now brought to fore the inevitable question, what happened? that the working class is lashing out, people don't respect honest working individuals,places of employment have become graveyards of dreams and aspirations...........hmmm all these make stop and ponder on what the future holds for us, because if this can happen in America;the supposed most powerful nation in the world?! I wonder what is happening in our 'developing" nation? just my thots